Henry County Deed Book J page 274 ========================|| John D. Carne 428 Acres || State of Tennessee Henry County of conveyed by Sheriff of || ????? made and entered into this fifth day of December Henry County recorded || in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty nine by and Dec the 25th 1845 || between John Williams Sheriff of the County of Henry and State of Tenn ========================|| ??? the aforesaid of the one part and John D. Carne of the County and State aforesaid of the other part ?????????????? at a circuit court began ... held for the county of Henry aforesaid at the court house in the town of Paris on the third Monday in January one Thousand eight hundred and forty James C. Gainer sheriff by Constantine Frazier Deputy sheriff and collector of the public lanes for the county of Henry aforesaid reported to court that a tract of four hundred and twenty eight acres of land being in the eleventh civil district of said county had been given in for the public taxes in said county for year one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine in the name of Polly P. Perdons that the said land was liable to taxes for said year that the ???????? remained due and unpaid and that the owner or claimant thereof had no goods or chattals ?? in this said county on which I could cashier for said taxes whereupon by the consideration of ????? against said tract of four hundred twenty eight acres of land in the ?? of the state for the sum of eight dollars and seventy five cents it being the amount of taxes costs & charges due upon said land ?? (of one Thousand eight hundred and thirty nine) and it was ordered by the said Court that said tract of land or as much things as should be of value sufficient to satisfy said taxes cost and charges be ... the ... court directs and whereas afterwards to wit on the 24th day of March 1840 an order .... was ... from the office of the clerk of said court commission- ing the said collector of the public taxes ... county to ... said land to sale to satisfy said taxes cost and charges to adjudged as aforesaid and the said collector after this said order of sale came to his hand caused the ... to be duly of property advertised and published in the manner presented by law in the watchman a weekley news paper printed & published in the town of Jackson forty days before the day of sale (The first monday in July the next ensuing which said advertisement gave notice that on the said first Monday in July 1840 and suceeding day at the court house door in the town of Paris in the within the hours prescribed by law the said collector would sell said land for the taxes cost & charges aforesaid unless the same were previously paid and the said collector did afterwards to wit on the first monday in July one thousand eight hundred and forty at the court house door in the town of Paris) the time and place designated and appointed by law ... said advertisement ... the hours prescribed by law ... and exposed Henry County Deed Book J page 275 REGISTRATION of Deeds Grants ?? in Henry County 1849 to said tract of four hundred and twenty eight acres of land at public sale in the manner prescribed by law to satisfy said taxes costs and charges and after duly offering and exposing the same to sale John D. Carne bid for that same and offered to pay said taxes costs and charges therefor and no person offering to pay said taxes costs and charges for a ?? number of acres that the whole had the same was by said collector according to the statutes in such case made and provided shuck off to the said John D. Carne and the said tract of land not having been redeemed within the time and within the manner prescribed and printed out by and the same John D. Carne having required the said John W?. Williams the present Sheriff of said county to make him a deed as the sucessor of the then acting sheriff of said county at the time of said sale therefore John W? Williams Sheriff of said county as aforesaid by virtue of the before ?? proceedings and of the power vested in one by law and for and in consideration of the sum of eight dollars and seventy five cents the taxes costs and charges as bid by said John D. Carne and to the said collector paid at the time of said bid as aforesaid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do hereby sell ..... the said John D. Carne his heirs and appoints ... all that tract piece or parcel of land ... lying and being in this said county of Henry in the eleventh civil district containing four hundred and twenty eight acres more or less and bounded as follows to wit beginning at a stake a small post oak and three pointers the Worth West corner of Christopher Strings two hundred and eight acre Entry No. 245 on the South boundry line of Carmichaels entry running Thence West with Carmichaels line one hundred ??? twenty six poles to a hickory and small post oak thence South ??? hundred and one poles to a black oak J. White then on East Two Hundred and twenty nine poles ?? to three small red oaks thence north one hundred and fifty poles to ???? red oak post oak and hickory pointers on the South boundary of said Strings two hundred and eight acre entry thence West with said Strings line two hundred and three poles seventeen links to two small red oaks & pointers the South west corner of said Strongs Entry then North with his west boundary lines ???hundred and fifty one poles to the Beginning it being the same tract granted by the State of ?? Lewis D. Wilson assignee of David Spear in consideration of military services to the state of North Carolina ?? entered by warrant No. 368 dated 24 July 1820 for 425 acres and entered on the 19th December 1820 by No 345 and conveyed by Lewis D. Wilson to Blake Baker of Edgecomb County State of North Carolina on the 13th March 1828 to have and to hold the above described tract of land and bargained premises with the appurtences to hire the said John D. Carne his heirs and assigns in fee simple & fully as by law the said John K?. Williams is authorized to convey the same In testimony whereof the said John K?. Williams ?? ??, set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first above written John K. Williams Shff (Seal) For Henry County